SAP POINT-OF-SALE (POS) provides flexible, comprehensive and market leading commercial distribution solutions including retail outlets and traditional POS, store inventory management, loss prevention at point of sale, customer loyalty, stored value, store back office and multi-channel and provision customer service. These solutions are highly complementary to the retail solutions offer.

SAP POS provides the retail sector with an opportunity for growth through the implementation of Information Technology solutions, as a strategic asset to achieve competitive advantages and drive business growth. The highly flexible solutions of SAP POS round off the SAP's software catalog for the retail sector, and both offers will integrate solidly through the NetWeaver platform.

Implementation of SAP POS

SYAAT is one of the first two companies that implement the SAP POS solution in Mexico. Our value proposition is based on our solid knowledge of the tool and our implementation experience in one of the largest enterprises in Latin America.

Our SAP POS solutions include:

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